Patient Rights
Statement of patient rights–patients with disabilities
Notice of your rights as a patient
As a patient at St. Anthony Hospital, you have a right to:
- Reasonable access to care
- Have a family member or representative of choice and your physician promptly informed of your admission
- Receive professional, considerate and respectful care in a Christian atmosphere regardless of age, sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, personal values and beliefs or ability to pay
- Whenever possible, receive necessary information to give informed consent prior to furnishing of or discontinuing care or treatment. Included will be identification of medically significant benefits, risks, and alternatives for care and treatment.
- Be informed and participate in the development and implementation of your plan of care including pain management
- Receive information from the physician concerning diagnosis, treatment, pain management and prognosis in terms easily understood
- Expect that if your physician plans any research, experimentation or educational projects in relation to your care, he or she will advise and obtain your consent. You have the right to refuse to participate in these projects.
- Be free from restraints/seclusion of any form that are not medically necessary or are used as a means of convenience, discipline, coercion or retaliation
- Refuse treatment and be informed of the medical consequences of such action
- Formulate advance directives, designate a decision-maker in case you are unable to communicate your wishes regarding care, and have the hospital staff and practitioners comply with your directions
- Be able to identify the staff of St. Anthony Hospital by name tag or distinctive uniform and be informed of the identity of other professionals who will be involved in your care
- Be informed of any hospital rules that may apply to your conduct as a patient
- Receive every consideration or personal privacy concerning your medical care. Medical records and all documentation pertaining to your case shall be treated as confidential.
- Expect that, within its capacity, St. Anthony Hospital shall make a reasonable response to your requests and needs for treatment or service
- Expect that a reasonable effort will be made to assist you in effective communication regardless of any language barrier
- Expect when transfer to another facility is medically permissible, transfer may happen only after you have received complete information and explanation concerning the need for and alternatives to such transfer. This would happen when the need or request for care is in conflict with the hospital’s mission or philosophy or exceeds the hospital’s ability to render care.
- Expect that following discharge from St. Anthony Hospital you will be provided information by your physician or his or her delegate of your continuing health care requirements
- Receive an explanation, upon request, regarding the hospital bill, regardless of the source of payment
- Inspect or obtain copies of your medical record within a reasonable amount of time and upon reasonable notice, written request and payment of copying charges
- If an adolescent, child or neonate, receive care that respects your rights, and recognizes your level in the growth and development process
- Have parents, guardian, next of kin or legally authorized responsible person exercise, to the extent permitted by law, the rights defined for a minor
- Know the organization's policy and on request be furnished with the standards that affect your care
- Receive care in a safe setting. Be free from all forms of abuse or harassment. Be able to access protective services.
- File a grievance and to be informed of the process to review and resolve the grievance
- Consult with, or have a legally authorized representative consult with members of the ethics committee on ethical issues concerning your stay
Helpful information
Non-discrimination policy >
Notice of privacy practices >
CHI standards of conduct >
Questions? Contact us
Cynthia Shaw, RN
Director of Quality and Risk